School Age Swim Lessons

No skill prerequisites, age requirement of 6 years.  At this level participants develop basic aquatic skills, positive attitudes and safe practices around the water.  Skills that are taught: front/back floats, front/back glides, bobbing, recovery objects in the shallow end, basic paddle stroke skills. 


Family/Therapy Pool

Online Registration

GH Aquatics is not hosting swim lessons at this time.


Day Date Time Cost Code

Participants will continue to gain confidence and independence in the water.  They continue to build on the basic skills of floating, gliding and paddle stroke.  Rotary breathing and back stroke is introduced along with swimming longer distances.   Participants are also introduced to deep water swimming.


Successful demonstration of Level 1 skills assessment. 


Family/Therapy Pool

Online Registration

Grand Haven Aquatics is not hosting swim lessons at this time.


Day Date Time Cost Code


At this level participants build on the skills learned in Level 1 and 2 to help participants achieve basic water competency in a pool environment.  Participants are swimming 25yds front and back crawl, they are gaining endurance.  Skills introduced at this level:  elementary backstroke, dolphin kick, breaststroke kick, streamlining, sit dives, survival floating and treading water.


Successful demonstration of Level 2 skills assessment.


Competitive Pool

Online Registration

GH Aquatics is not hosting swim lessons at this time.


Day Date Time Cost Code


At this level participants work on proficiency in performing the swimming strokes that were introduced in level 3.  Butterfly and breaststroke is introduced along with underwater streamline and head first entries.  Participants continue to build endurance.


Successful demonstration of Level 3 skills assessment.


Competitive Pool

Online Registration

GH Aquatics is not hosting swim lessons at this time.


Day Date Time Cost Code


At this level participants refine their performance of all six swimming strokes:  front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke and butterfly.  Skills introduced at this level: long shallow dives, surface dives, and flip turns.  At this level swimmers will also increase endurance with additional yardage.


Successful demonstration of Level 4 skills assessment.


Competitive Pool

Online Registration

GH Aquatics is not hosting swim lessons at this time.



Day Date Time Cost Code

Prerequisite, successful demonstration of Level 5 skills assessment.  Refine strokes so participants swim them with greater efficiency and effectiveness over longer distances.  Participants learn how to prevent aquatic emergencies and are taught to practice self-rescue techniques. 


Successful demonstration of Level 4 skills assessment.


Competitive Pool

Online Registration

GH Aquatics is not hosting swim lessons at this time.


Day Date Time Cost Code