GHHS Parents & Students

Forms and Applications

Hosting a Party for Teens

What Parents Should Know

  • Make arrangements for additional supervision to ensure a trouble free party with no alcohol or drug use. Be ever observant.
  • Designate a part of your home for the party. Guests should be comfortable and should have proper supervision. Also discuss the type of music, games and videos that will be at the party.
  • Have plenty of non-alcoholic drinks and food.
  • Be present during the party. You will keep the party running smoothly and be able to meet your teen's friends.
  • Set ground rules before hand.
  • Let them know what you expect ahead of time
  • Shared responsibility hosting the party with your child
  • Limit attendance and hours
  • Small groups are easier to handle
  • Send out invitations
  • No drinks brought in across threshold
  • Party crashers not allowed
  • Avoid open house parties
  • Discourage guests from leaving
  • Once a guest leaves, don't let them back in.
  • Be alert for signs of drug or alcohol use.
  • If a teen comes in with alcohol or drugs or is under the influence, call their parents.
  • Call the police if parents can't be reached.
  • If an unwanted guest refuses to leave, call the police if their parents can't be reached.
  • Notify the police when planning a party. This helps them protect you and your guests and neighbors.
  • Tell your neighbors about the party.
  • Avoid access to the alcohol or drugs in your home.
  • Other parents and your child's friends should realize that these guidelines are in effect for all parties.


  • Spontaneous, open parties are more difficult to control.
  • If things get out of hand, be ready to call other parents or the police.
  • Never let anyone drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Teens frequently party while their parents are away. Have proper adult supervision for them when you are gone.
  • If someone shows up at your party under the influence of drugs or alcohol, attempt to keep them at the party and call their parents. If the parents can't be contacted, call the police. You have liability if you let them leave without trying to stop them.

The Law Serving Alcohol to a Minor

What parents should know:

  • As a parent, you cannot give alcohol to your teen's friends under the age of 21 under ANY circumstances, even in your own home, even with their parent's permission.
  • You cannot knowingly allow a person under 21, other than your own child, to remain in your home or on your property while consuming or possessing alcohol.
  • A parent cannot consume alcohol at any underage party.

If you break the law:

  • You can face a maximum sentence of six months in jail and/or a $1,000 fine.
  • Others can sue you if you give alcohol to anyone under 21 and they, in turn, hurt someone, hurt themselves or damage property.
  • Officers can take any alcohol, money or property used in committing the offense.
  • You face 90 days in jail and a mandatory $2500 fine for a second offense. Remember: •  Report underage serving or drinking to your local police department.
  • If you rent a hall or motel room and drinking or drug use takes place, you are legally responsible.

Teens Attending a Party:

A Guide for Parents

  • Know where your teen is.
  • Get the address and phone number of the host.
  • If the party moves, have your teen or the host notify you.
  • Contact the host's parents to verify the time, date and location.
  • Make sure a parent will be present during the party and mixing with the teens.
  • Make sure alcohol and other drugs are prohibited.
  • Offer to chaperone or to stop by the party.
  • Know how your teen will get to and from the party.
  • Furnish your phone numbers and another adult's if you can't be located.
  • If your teen needs to leave the party, give them a way out.
  • Your teen should always go with another person to a party.
  • They should have a signal with that person as to when to leave with no questions asked.
  • Urge your teen never to drive home with someone who has been using alcohol or drugs.
  • Have an agreement with your teen that if they call for a ride because of use, there will not be immediate consequences and that you will discuss the use the next day.
  • Greet your teen when they come home from the party.

If spending the night with a friend, check with the parents to see:

  • They want your teen to spend the night.
  • The parents will be home.
  • You agree on the house rules.
  • Spontaneous sleepover arrangements should be confirmed with the host parents.
  • Call the next day to thank the parents for hosting a sleepover.
  • Your child should come home the next morning, never the next afternoon.


  • Never use a cell phone to confirm that your child is at the party or sleepover. It should always be a landline.
  • If your children are young teens, always stop in to confirm the arrangements with the parents hosting the sleepover or party.
  • Coed sleepovers are an open initiation to problems. It's much easier to control a same sex sleepover.
  • Your child wants a parent and not a friend. They want someone to blame if they are uncomfortable with the sleepover or party and don't want to go. Teens tell us that the reason they get into trouble is because their parents are too trusting of them. They never question anything they tell them. Remember, your teen wants a parent, not a friend !