Dining Services Department

Your child may be eligible for free or reduced meals at school.  You may apply at any time during the school year.  This benefit is based on household size and income or if you receive food assistance (Food Stamps).  Your benefit status is valid for the entire school year.  If your family size goes up or your income goes down, you may reapply for benefits.  Students who are eligible for free and reduced meal benefits are required to use their food service account to maintain confidentiality.


You may apply at any time during the school year.  You can apply by filling out your application for Free and Reduced Meal Benefits online using External LinkMeal Magic Family Portal. When using this site you will no longer need to send in the paper application and in most cases, your approval will be in three business days or less.


Every student has an individual account, which is used for breakfast, lunch, milk, and a la Carte choices. Money is only deducted from an account when the student goes through the line.  Students will still have the option to pay cash when they go through the line, however, we strongly encourage all students to use their account to make purchases so that parents can view account activity online.

Meals may be paid for by the month, week or day.  No more than two lunches may be charged for the year.  During the last two weeks of school, charging of lunches will not be permitted.   Please put payments in a sealed envelope with your child’s name.  Payments can be made by check, cash, money order or by going to External LinkMeal Magic Family Portal.   Checks or Money Orders should be made out to GHAPS and can only be deposited for the entire amount.  No change will be given to students.  There is a $15.00 service fee on all returned checks. 


Just call our office at 616.850.6080 with your email address and the names of your children.  You will then be notified automatically if your child’s account balance is low!

NOTE:  If you have a Yahoo or Charter email address, please check your spam filters to make sure our emails reach you!

Negative Balances:  A student whose account is in the negative will have a reminder note sent home to the parent.   Students whose accounts continue to be in the negative will not receive their menu selection; instead they will be served a cold sandwich, fruit, vegetables and milk at regular price until the balance is paid in full.

Positive Balances:  Positive Food Service account balances at the end of the school year will automatically be applied to your child’s meals for the next school year.

Withdrawals:  Student accounts are not bank accounts.  Money in the food service account is for food purchases only.  Students are not allowed to withdraw money from their account at any time.  If a student moves out of the district, parents may request in writing a refund of their money.    A check will be cut by the district and mailed to the address on file with the district within 21 business days.

Q:  Where can I get an application for free and reduced meal benefits?

A:  Your school office has applications.  On the home page, select “Free & Reduced Meal Benefits.”   You can print the application, then fill it out and mail it to the Food Service Department at 17001 Ferris St., Grand Haven, MI 49417 or drop it off at your child’s school office.

Visit Meal Magic Family Portal to fill out an application!! FAST and FREE!

Q:  My child receives meal benefits.  What are they entitled to?

A:   With meal benefits, your child receives one type A reimbursable meal for breakfast (if served at your school) and one type A reimbursable meal for lunch.  If they would like additional meals, a la carte items, snacks, juice or milk, they may purchase those at the published price.

Q:   What is a type A reimbursable meal?

A:   A type A reimbursable meal is the name given to meals that meet the required meal pattern by the National School Lunch Program.   The type A meal must include the following components:  a protein, a bread, a vegetable, a fruit and fluid milk.  At Grand Haven, we provide an offer vs. serve format of type A meals.  This means that students are offered all 5 components, but must choose at least 3, including a serving of fruit or vegetable,  to comprise a “qualified” meal.  They can choose all 5 if they wish, but must take a minimum of 3 items.   The entrée’s featured on the menu combine to make two of the components, the protein and the bread.  When a student chooses an entrée, all they need to do is choose 1 to 3 more of the remaining components, including a serving of fruit or vegetable  to complete their type A meal.   Students who do not take the necessary components for a type A lunch are charged for their food items at ala carte prices.  Type A meals are charged at the set school lunch price of  $2.70 for Elementary (K-5)  and $3.00 for Secondary (6-12). 

Q:  How can I find out what my child’s account balance is?

A:  Simply call your school and ask the aide who handles the food service accounts to print a meal history and send it home with your child or have faxed it to you.  You may also call the Food Service Department at 850-6080 and we can print one and mail it or email to you.  Or, you can view it online using Meal Magic Family Portal.

Q:  Is the fruit & vegetable bar available to all students who purchase lunch?

A:  Yes, the fruit & vegetable bar is available to all students who purchase lunch.  The bar is filled with romaine lettuce, fresh vegetables, and fresh or canned fruit.

Q:  My child qualifies for meal benefits at lunch, and they offer breakfast at our school. Can my child eat breakfast at the same benefit level?

A:   Yes, their lunch benefits also apply at breakfast and we would love to have your child eat breakfast with us. We serve breakfast at the following buildings: Ferry, Griffin, Lake Hills, Mary A White, Peach Plains, Robinson, Lakeshore Middle School, White Pines Middle School, Central High School, and Grand Haven High School.

Q:  My child is spending too much money each day.  Can I put a restriction on their account?

A:  Certainly! Simply fax, mail , or submit your request in writing to the Food Service Department and we will implement the restriction within 24 hours of receipt.

Q:   My child forgot or has run out of money for lunch, will they still be able to eat lunch?

A:     Students may charge a type A lunch should they forget their money.   Snacks and ala carte items are not permitted to be charged.  However, a student who is more than 5 at elemantary and 3 at seconday level lunches in debt will not be allowed to charge a lunch until they have their balance paid in full.   During the last two weeks of school, charging of lunches will not be permitted.

Dear Grand Haven Area Public Schools Families:

Your child(ren) will experience the new USDA requirements when they dine in their school cafeteria.  One vital change is the requirement for a child to select at least 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable to make up a complete meal.  There are five food groups to select foods from:  fruits, vegetables, protein, whole grains, and milk.  Student meals must contain at least a selection of three of the five food groups with one being the fruit and/or vegetable selection If no fruit or vegetable is selected, the student will pay the individual item prices for foods instead of the complete meal price.  Here is an overview of what your child(ren) can expect to see in their school dining center at GHAPS.

Increase In Fruits and Vegetables

  • Colorful fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals important for growth and development during childhood.
  • We offer a large variety of nutrient dense fruits and vegetables, including dark greens, orange starchy vegetables, and legumes.
  • Students are required to select at least 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable for their meal to be considered a complete meal or will be charged individual item prices.

Lower Sodium

  • We continue to work with food manufacturers to reformulate food products including lower sodium sauces and spreads.
  • Chartwells’ chefs and registered dietitians continually create tasty new recipes that use non-salt seasonings and herbs to replace and reduce salt.

Reduced Fats

  • We only serve food products and ingredients that contain zero grams of trans fats per serving, and we encourage the use of healthy fats and oils.
  • It is important to limit unhealthy fats such as saturated and trans fat because eating too many can lead to heart disease and high cholesterol, as well as other chronic diseases.

Menus by Age Groups

  • Grade groups for menu planning will be aimed at ensuring students receive age-appropriate portions and nutrients.
  • Changes in specific serving sizes might mean some smaller portion sizes on some items like burritos, wraps, sub sandwiches, hot meat sandwiches, calzones/strombolis,  and pasta dishes. 

Both Chartwells and Grand Haven Area Public Schools are dedicated to providing quality nutritious meals that students will enjoy and choose to eat.  We hope you will encourage your child(ren) to try new fruits and vegetables.  If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.


Food Allergies and Special Dietary Needs

We recognize the critical importance in supporting students and families who manage food allergies and dietary modifications. Our approach involves coordination between parents and guardians, school nurses, school administrators, and food service professionals in the school’s/district’s food allergy and medical conditions protocol.

In order for food service to make any meal accommodations we need a completed PDF DocumentSpecial Diet Statement.  Please note, this documentation must be signed by a licensed medical provider.

Please complete the Special Diet Statement and send it to the Food Service Director, Meaghan Beyer, at beyerm@ghaps.org .  Once the document is received, the Food Service Director will contact the parent/guardian listed on the form to go over meal accommodation and the menu before we put it in place.  Please make sure you send your child to school with meals until an alternate menu is made and the parent/guardian has spoken with the Food Service Director.

For any children who are currently receiving meal accommodations, please contact Meaghan Beyer at 616-850-6085 to review the meal accommodation plan, which may require additions or amendments based on the ongoing supply chain issues. No special meals/menus will be developed until the Food service Director receives the proper documentation and is able to go over it with the parent/guardian.

Meal Prices



Milk at any Meal

Reduced Price Breakfast

Full Price Breakfast

Reduced Price Lunch

Full Price Lunch *

Elementary Schools






Middle School






High School







Adult Meal Prices:

Adult Breakfast Price:  $2.75

Adult Lunch Price: $4.50

REMINDER;  All Type A Meals MUST include a serving of fruit or vegetable.


  • Meat Item:  (Often included in your main dish)
  • Bread Item: (Often included in your main dish)
  • Fruit:           Fresh Fruit or Canned (or 4 oz Juice)
  • Vegetable:  Hot or Fresh Vegetable or Side Salad
  • Milk:           8oz carton of Skim White or Chocolate Milk (or 4oz. Juice)

You must select at least 3 of the 5 items, including a fruit or vegetable serving. BUT You may take ALL of the items if you wish.


At the Elementary Schools, the entrée usually contains the meat and bread.


                        Cheeseburger on a Bun contains meat and bread items
                        Crinkle Cut Oven Fries (vegetable)
                        Pineapple Tidbits (fruit)
                        Choice of Milk (milk)


                        Oven Fried Chicken Drumstick (meat item)
                        Fluffy Biscuit  (bread item)
                        Green Beans  (vegetable)
                        Diced Pears (fruit)
                        Choice of Milk    (milk)

Middle School & High School

At Middle Schools and High Schools, the entrees are at each station. All qualified reimbursable meals MUST include a fruit or a vegetable.

Elementary Schools:

When school is cancelled due to inclement weather, the meal that was scheduled to be served on the snow day will be served on the return day of school.

All hot food is prepared at the high school and shipped out hot on the day it is served. 

Middle Schools and High Schools:

Please consult the printed menus and signs in your school cafeteria.  The snow day meal may be served on the return day.

If you have any other questions, please contact the Food Service Department at foodservice@ghaps.org or call 850-6080.

Dining Services Advisory Council

Do you have suggestions about how to make our cafes better? Foods you wish we would serve--or not? The Dining Services Department is interested in hearing your ideas about the cafe, menu ideas, nutrition, etc. You are invited to join the GHAPS Dining Services Advisory Council.
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Grand Haven Area Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, height, marital status, handicap disability, or limited English proficiency in any of its programs or activities. The following office is designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies.  

Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources 
Grand Haven Area Public Schools
1415 Beechtree Street
Grand Haven, MI 49417

Shane Dykhuis
Executive Chef
Vikky Kindt
Ronda Hall
Production Coordinator